Dear Government and Industry Partners, Local Chambers and Members, Academe Leaders and Advocates, and Faculties of Higher Education Institutions:
Greetings from the PCCI Education Committee!
The PCCI Education Committee in cooperation with the Philippine Business for Education (PBEd) is organizing the 11th National Education Forum (NEF) with the theme “Government, Academe, and Industry (GAI) Recovery Response for Economic Resiliency and Sustainability in the New Normal” on 24 November 2021, 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM via Zoom.
Our committee is responsible for organizing this annual educators’ forum for the school presidents, directors, deans, program coordinators, faculty, together with the government, and industry to provide timely and relevant trainings and updates. This year’s forum seeks to energize collaboration among the three concerned sectors; and as well as to explore opportunities and strategies in the post-pandemic era. We believe that our forum could again become a bigger venue for significant education dialogues, especially during this time of crisis.
In this view, we are inviting you all to attend our 11th National Education Forum.
For questions and concerns, you may reach out through PCCI Secretariat at email
Thank you.