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(This content is posted for promotional purposes and shared with consent and permission from our international partner, CONSULAB. Hytec Power is the distributor of CONSULAB products in the Philippines.)

ConsuLab’s Automotive training products have the finest quality materials and are built with professional workmanship resulting in what are recognized as the best training tools available to schools and industry today. Our line of automotive system trainers provide a full range of products designed to assist instructors and students learning the complex and constantly evolving technology used in today’s vehicles. We have new products in the Light Diesel category for diesel applications in cars and light trucks. Our products range from basic principles to complex new technological evolutions and comply with NATEF, ASE, AYES and Red Seal curriculum requirements. A significant part of our Automotive products involve using OEM components that schools often supply to us to build custom designed trainers to fit their individual needs. ConsuLab’s core strategy in product development is to use OEM components as much as feasible to show direct relationships between our products and vehicles being serviced.

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