We are Hytec Power Incorporated – one of the leading distributors of innovative industrial tools and equipment in the country. Over the years, we have been consistent in providing industrial solutions to solve common problems in the industry, in order to achieve safety, productivity and efficiency. We do not just supply equipment; we make sure to provide rigorous after sales support to our clients and partners.


Hytec Power realizes the value of essential industrial attributes such as efficiency, cost, productivity, safety, quality, reliability and time. It is our desire to assist the industry sector by providing effective and innovative solutions and be of help in achieving a sustainable economy. We do this by continuously understanding the problems and needs of the industry sector and look for international partners to provide the best solution available in the market.


In our efforts to this mission, our concentration is on the following:

  • Maintaining and improving the integrity of the production and work effectiveness of the people with total preventive maintenance
  • Providing complete bolting solution from fasteners and bolting security to a broad range of industrial bolting torque and tension-controlled tools
  • Offering the latest state-of-the-art construction tools and high-performance welding equipment
  • Providing corrosion prevention and contamination solution to complex asset integrity challenges
  • Equipping our workers with reliable industrial electrical wiring tools and renewable energy systems
  • Specializing in industrial machining through the latest techniques and equipment


We also believe that the best asset of a company is the employees. They need personal and career growth and development. Thus, we are also committed to upskilling and certifying manpower through flexible training solutions. We advocate the use of an online platform with cloud-based learning management system and industry-validated e-learning contents. The platform gives way to maximizing the learning opportunity without the need to take leave from work because training is done online. Workers and employees can access the platform 24/7, anytime and anywhere, through online connection. They attend and complete the training on their own time and phase.


Through our endeavors, we aspire to assist the industry sector in solving the problems that they face. We hope that in this manner, we can contribute to the long-term vision of the Philippines, AmBisyon Natin 2040, which envisions the country becoming a prosperous middle-class society free of poverty by 2040 and beyond.

Hytec Power at a Glance

Established in 1994 by Engr. Eric Jude S. Soliman, Hytec Power Inc. (HPI) is a leading industrial and educational solutions provider in the Philippines. It is the trendsetter, market leader, and pioneer in providing total solutions to industry and academic sectors.


For over 27 years in the business, Hytec Power has seen the needs to solve the job-skills mismatch in the country. We have seen there is a need for the education sector to address the mismatch between the students’ profile and qualifications and the industry requirements so they will be able to meet the challenges of the workplace, and in a larger context contribute to the society.


Hytec Power understands the value of essential industrial characteristics such as efficiency, cost, productivity, safety, quality, reliability and time. We aim to be of service to the industry sector by providing reliable, effective, safe and innovative solutions towards achieving a sustainable economy.


To have an overview on Hytec Power’s endeavors, products, services and others, you may download our company profile by clicking the icon below.

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